Neworld Medical Detox has helped hundreds of patients dealing with substance abuse and addiction. Our team is here for you every step of the way. We understand that purely giving up the substance is not enough – fighting through withdrawal is harder. We help you get back on your feet with a fresh, new outlook on life.
Drug Detox
Drug & Alcohol Detox
Our program covers the following drugs and substances among many others: Fentanyl, Percocet, Oxycodone, Dilaudid, Alcohol, Marijuana when used with other drugs, Heroin, Cocaine/Crack, Amphetamines and Meth, Prescription medication misuse, Suboxone, Valium, Lorazepam, Clonazepam and other sleeping/mood altering medications misused in high doses, Hallucinogens and Volatile substances.
What We Treat
At Neworld Medical Detox, we treat all forms of alcohol, chemical and drug dependency including prescription medications.
- Fentanyl
- Percocet, Oxycontin, Oxys
- Heroin
- Cocaine/Crack
- Methamphetamine / Crystal Meth
- Benzodiazepines
- Alcohol
Fentanyl is a synthetic narcotic drug, an opioid pain reliever that is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. It is medically indicated for the relief of severe pain. Like all opioids, fentanyl works by blocking pain receptors in the brain, while simultaneously increasing production of chemicals that make us feel better, such as dopamine and endorphins. Unfortunately, it has been an increasingly common cause of opioid and narcotic addiction, and this problem continues to escalate exponentially. It takes only a tiny amount of fentanyl for users to accidentally overdose, which is why over the past five year period, deaths from fentanyl alone have nearly doubled. Fentanyl is most commonly prescribed as a patch, which is usually smoked by the abuser. Street names include China girl, China White, TNT and crush.
At NEWORLD Medical Detox we understand that this is a very serious problem, and a very difficult addiction to overcome. We detox this addiction using specific opioid addiction protocols to help our clients in 2 ways. Medications are used to ease the side effects and symptoms of fentanyl withdrawal, while at the same time, a specific, safer, more effective medication is given to slowly titrate down the narcotic dosage.
Percocet, Oxycontin, Oxys
Chronic pain requires long-term treatment, often with escalating doses of opioid medications, hence the production of long acting, high-dose formulations that simplify dosing. The most notorious of these is extended release brought to market in 1996 is Oxycontin.
OxyContin is responsible for the drastic increase in narcotic prescribing and opioid addiction. It was first used in the United States, then came up to Canada shortly after. It has been prescribed on numerous occasions by physicians to their patients to manage severe pain. Unfortunately, it is a very commonly abused narcotic pain reliever. Thousands of people have developed an addiction to OxyContin since it was first introduced. This also led to leaking out into communities and was diverted for non prescribed use.OxyContin is often combined with other drugs and can be injected, smoked, or swallowed as a pill.
At NEWORLD Medical Detox, we have a specific program for Oxy’s addiction. As with other substance addictions, we provide our clients with a safe, medically supervised environment. We then introduce medications that will safely detoxify the opioid together with other medications to control the common withdrawal symptoms, such as: nausea, diarrhea, shaking, and chills. Once completed, our clients are safely detoxed from their drug of abuse, clear minded, and able to make decisions regarding their next step overcoming their addiction problems.
Heroin is another highly addictive synthetic drug made from poppy plants. It was first used by physicians to help patients overcome morphine addiction, but doctors soon realized that heroin addiction is a severe problem in its own right. On the street, heroin comes in a variety of forms. Heroin is usually a whitish or brownish powder, and typically cut with other substances, such as starch or powdered milk. It is also sold as black tar, with the liability to be smoked, injected or taken in a variety of other forms. Like so many other opioids, heroin related overdoses are on the rise. These deaths usually result from combining heroin with other drugs, such as benzodiazepines, alcohol, or cocaine. Unfortunately, a lot of heroin is now cut with fentanyl, drastically increasing the chances of disastrous effects and sudden death.
In spite the efforts done to manage the expanded population of people with opioid use disorder, fewer than 15 percent of people with opioid use disorder are currently receiving either methadone or buprenorphine in the US. Among those who are unable to obtain effective agonists-based treatments, many have turned to black market drugs. Consequently, opioid overdoses have increased, starting with heroin involved deaths in 2011 and more recently, those involving fentanyl and related compounds.
At NEWORLD Medical Detox, heroin addiction is taken very seriously. As such, we have an efficient, specialized medical detoxification protocol implemented for clients presenting with this addiction. Our clients are medically supervised throughout the entire individualized process to slowly bring them down from their addiction. We ensure that clients are medically and safely freed from their heroin addiction in order to be prepared for their next step in recovery.
Cocaine is a powerful, addictive stimulant synthesized from the leaves of coca plants; it is typically imported from South America. It is an illegal street drug that is usually consumed and sold as powder form. Cocaine is often mixed with other street drugs as well, including fentanyl, producing a deadly combination. Another form of consumption is through the transformation of powdered cocaine into rock form. It is then smoked as crack cocaine, resulting in a very fast and dangerous high. Popular street names include blow, coke, crack, rock and snow.
At NEWORLD Medical Detox, we professionally detoxify clients from cocaine or crack by bringing them down from the high that cocaine gives. Medications that slowly and safely provide a “soft landing” are administered, combining the therapeutic effect of minimized side effects and a safe withdrawal experience. Crack cocaine addiction often presents with other concurrent addictions. In treatment of crack cocaine addiction, all other drug use is accounted for during the intake process ensuring that all withdrawals and side effects are adequately taken care of.
Methamphetamine / Crystal Meth
Methamphetamine is an illegal drug. It falls in the same class as cocaine and other powerful street drugs. It has many nicknames—meth, crank, chalk or speed…
Crystal Meth is specially popular as a “club drug,” taken while partying in night clubs or at rave parties. Its street names include ice or glass. It is a very dangerous chemical that acts as a stimulant but then begins to systematically destroy the body. It is associated with serious health conditions, including: memory loss, aggression, psychotic behavior, and potential heart and brain damage. Additional risks present when the user is injecting the drug intravenously, such as as HIV and Hepatitis, among others.
It is a highly addictive drug, so much to the extent that many users report that they got hooked to it from the first use. It creates a very devastating dependence that can only be relieved by taking more of the drug.
At NEWORLD Medical Detox we acknowledge how this drug affects the body systemically alongside the addiction itself. The methamphetamine detox protocol aims at a smooth withdrawal while also repairing the negative health effects induced by use of this drug. Supported by our extensive experience and evidence based practice in dealing with such cases, each is treated independently in accordance to the client’s health condition. We follow a withdrawal protocol that opens a new world to a post detox success from this devastating addiction.
Sedative drugs can be used alone, but are commonly combined with other drugs of abuse or alcohol. When used in conjunction with additional drugs, such as opioids or cocaine, the result is synthetic drug cocktails that are highly addictive and may increase the risk of very serious side effects.
Withdrawal from benzodiazepines after regular use often leads to what is called the benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome which resembles symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. The higher the dose and the longer the duration of use, the greater the risk of experiencing unpleasant withdrawal symptoms hence the need for a medically assisted detox.
Detoxification from benzodiazepine drugs is hard and involves a special detox protocol to safely and effectively manage the uncomfortable withdrawal side effects. We at NEWORLD Medical Detox implement a detox protocol for high dose benzodiazepine users to help the body adapt and function with as minimal medications as possible. Benzodiazepine detox is a long term process. We initiate such process at NEWORLD but clients have to continue a tailored taper plan after they leave.
Alcohol abuse by itself or in combination with other drugs is a very serious problem. Alcohol yields very severe effects on the liver, the stomach, the blood cells. When combined with other opioids or stimulants, it can create a very dangerous cocktail. The fact that alcohol is easy to get, legal, and inexpensive makes it a very dangerous drug. Alcohol withdrawal, on the other hand, is a dangerous experience if not done under a professional medical supervision. Alcohol withdrawal can occur when users who have been drinking heavily for weeks, months, or years suddenly stop their use, or even just reduce the consumption. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can begin as early as two hours after the last use.
Withdrawal symptoms might include anxiety, tremors, but can also rapidly progress. The more serious symptoms present as seizures and delirium tremens, “DTs” (confusion, fever, and rapid heart beats, among other symptoms). Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are dangerous and life-threatening and as such, they have to be managed professionally.
At NEWORLD Medical Detox we use our proven experience to provide an effective treatment protocol that smoothly aids clients in detoxifying the alcohol out of the body safely.
As mentioned, some serious side effects of alcohol withdrawal are seizures and delirium tremens (DTs). In this state, users can experience hallucinations and have serious other side effects. We use specialized medications to navigate through the withdrawal process and closely monitor all our clients. In doing so, we minimize such serious effects and clients are discharged when it is medically safe to do so. We are experts in this field and will help ensure a safe withdrawal.
All detox programs are tailored and personalized to our clients conditions taking into consideration the medical and psychological status of the client. Our medication protocols are constantly reviewed for effectiveness.
Let’s Speak to Us
Call our friendly team for immediate advice.
Exit Plan
A one-on-one session with NEWORLD‘s addiction counselor will be conducted before discharge to plan for your treatment upon completion of the detox program. A report will be written and given to you. This tailored exit plan will be discussed with you and/or your family to help achieve success in the addiction treatment journey post detox.
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Our Advantages

Over 20 years Experience
Over 20 years of experience focused on medical detox

Specialize in Methadone
We specialize in getting you off Methadone

Exit Plan
Every client receives an individualized assessment from our counselors

Our Services
We offer our services in Ontario.

5 Star facility
We are a 5 Star facility in a cozy and upscale countryside setting

Personalized Treatment
Tailored treatment protocol following the most updated detox methods

Qualified Staff
A highly professional and dedicated team with extensive expertise in a variety of treatment areas

High Client Satisfaction
We deliver on-hand care and help clients to get ready for a new world.
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Bell Let’s Talk Day 2024
Our commitment on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Alcohol Withdrawal and Detox: Key Steps in Addiction Recovery

+1 844-639-3389
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