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Percocet Detox and Addiction Treatment
Percocet Detox and Addiction Treatment Centre near Toronto, Ontario
Percocet is a powerful opioid drug and highly effective pain medication. Like other opioids, it is addictive and potentially dangerous if misused. Managing an addiction to Percocet, a combination drug of oxycodone and acetaminophen, can be difficult, whether you are new to Percocet or have been using it for a long time (1). Treating Percocet addiction should begin with a safe and effective detox program supervised by medical professionals. Neworld Medical Detox is a Percocet withdrawal treatment centre near Toronto that helps patients carefully and effectively detox from Percocet. We offer 24/7 medical support to patients staying at our facility in Halton Hills, Ontario and help minimize the negative physical and psychological symptoms associated with withdrawal from Percocet and other opioid drugs.

Article at a Glance
Percocet is a prescription pain medication that combines acetaminophen and oxycodone. Oxycodone is an opioid—opioids are a class of highly addictive drugs.
- Medically-supervised detox from Percocet helps you overcome withdrawal in a controlled, safe environment.
- Halting Percocet use without detox and addiction treatment is potentially dangerous. The consequences of relapsing can be fatal because the body may not have the same tolerance, possibly resulting in an overdose.
- Neworld Medical Detox helps patients in the Toronto area withdraw from Percocet safely and effectively. Patients can continue their recovery with full-time inpatient addiction treatment within our network at Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centre.
What is Percocet?
Percocet is an opioid drug made from oxycodone, an opioid, and acetaminophen, a pain killer (1). It is taken as a tablet and sometimes called “percs”, “oxy”, “C”, or “hillbilly heroin”. Percocet is an FDA-approved drug, and medical professionals prescribe it to help their patients manage pain. Percocet can reduce pain and produce feelings of euphoria. Unfortunately, like other opioid drugs, Percocet is addictive and can be very dangerous if mismanaged.
What is Percocet Addiction?
Like with other opioids, misusing Percocet over an extended period of time or in a way not as prescribed can lead to physical and psychological dependance (2). Both physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms can occur once your body is accustomed to using it, making it very difficult to stop. While Percocet use disorder is difficult to manage, qualified detox centres like Neworld can help you come off the drug effectively and begin your journey to sobriety.

How Does Percocet Detox Treatment Work?
Medically supervised Percocet detox helps you come down from the drug safely, effectively, and in a way that sets you up for long-term sobriety. Neworld’s Percocet detox program begins with an intake assessment where one of our qualified medical professionals determines your Percocet use history, experience with other opioids, medical history, and the extent of your addiction. We also have a psychiatrist who conducts psychiatric assessments on-site to uncover any co-occurring mental health disorders you may be struggling with (often at the root of addiction).
During the Percocet detox process—which happens in the comfortable, home-like setting of our Toronto-area facility—we use evidence-based treatments and a mental health model to support you physically and psychologically throughout the detox process. You have access to 24/7 medical support while detoxing from Percocet.
After you have successfully withdrawn from Percocet, we can refer you within our network to a specialized inpatient addiction treatment centre for long-term success in recovery. Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centre and Neworld share an interconnected team who continue to support you in your recovery seamlessly, carrying forward a full understanding of your medical history and recovery progress.
Why Should You Treat a Percocet (Oxycodone) Addiction?
Ceasing use of Percocet and then resuming use creates risk of a dangerous overdose because your tolerance may have lessened during abstinence (3). When trying to overcome a Percocet addiction we recommend starting with medically supervised detox. Detox is the safest way to withdraw from a drug, especially one like Percocet that carries a high risk of overdose if one were to relapse. Once you have successfully withdrawn from Percocet, addiction treatment is key to maintaining sobriety. You can continue addiction treatment at our sister centre, Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centre, 15 minutes by car from Neworld. At Trafalgar, our interconnected teams help you get to the root of your addiction through therapy and counselling. There, you join a recovery community that helps you manage your Percocet addiction long-term.
Benefits of Medical Detox for Percocet
Medically supervised detox for Percocet followed by a full-time treatment program gives you the best possible chances of achieving lasting recovery from Percocet use disorder. During medical detox, you have access to a team of specialized, highly qualified care professionals that include nurse practitioners, a recovery coordinator, and a psychiatrist. Our staff are trained to help patients with concurrent addiction and mental health issues.
Sometimes, people try to quit Percocet or oxycodone “cold turkey”. This can be very dangerous and is not recommended, given the risk of overdose if one were to relapse with opioid drugs because their tolerance is lessened (3). Medical detox when paired with addiction treatment at Trafalgar reduces the risk of relapse and by extension, your risk of overdose and death.

The Dangers of Percocet Use Disorder
Percocet helps patients suffering or recovering from illness manage their pain. Unfortunately, using it in excess or beyond the timeframe and quantity stated in a prescription can cause a person to become dependent on Percocet and the feelings it produces. Opioids are an addictive group of drugs that can be dangerous if misused. In 2019, 80% of global deaths attributable to drug use were opioid-related (2). It is dangerous to stop using opioids abruptly—medical detox can help you slow your Percocet use down to a halt, safely.
Symptoms of Percocet Withdrawal
When you stop using Percocet, you experience symptoms that can make it difficult for you to stay off the drug and stay sober. These symptoms can be unpleasant physically and psychologically, which is why having the support of the care professionals at Neworld Medical Detox can improve your withdrawal experience. The symptoms of Percocet withdrawal are similar to withdrawal symptoms for other opioid drugs, and include (4):
- Restlessness
- Sweating and chills
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Increased blood pressure
- Rapid breathing and heart rate
- Insomnia
- Severe aches and pains
- Weakness
- Percocet cravings
- Irritability
Withdrawal symptoms can appear relatively quickly after your last dose of Percocet and may vary depending on your Oxycodone tolerance and individual physiology (4). Certain medications like methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone can support your recovery from Percocet use disorder—however, they are only prescribed by medical professionals if they are unlikely to cause further dependencies in the patient. Neworld professionals will never prescribe medication that could risk your health or chances of achieving sobriety.
Percocet Addiction Symptoms
Prescription opioids like Percocet can be addictive—in fact, opioids carry with them a 5.5% risk of addiction (1). The higher the dose of opioids you take, the higher your potential for addiction (1). Signs that you may be experiencing Percocet addiction include:
- Losing control over how much you use
- Experiencing harm from use, such as vomiting, nausea, and loss of appetite
- Taking Percocet in larger quantities than prescribed
- Being unable to limit or stop using the drug
- Problems with motor skills, balance, and coordination
- Losing interest in anything other than Percocet
- Trouble sleeping and exhaustion
- Lack of concentration and focus

Percocet Overdose Symptoms
A Percocet overdose is a serious medical emergency that can lead to brain damage or death (3). It requires immediate medical attention. Overdosing on Percocet can illicit the same symptoms as overdosing on opioids and acetaminophen. Symptoms of Percocet or oxycodone overdose include (4):
- Shallow, laboured breathing (respiratory depression)
- Cold and clammy skin
- Slowed heart beat
- Extreme sleepiness
- Loss of consciousness, even leading to coma
- Low blood pressure (hypotension)
- Apnea (when you stop breathing)
- Circulatory collapse
- Cardiac arrest
- Death
Naloxone is a drug that can reduce the symptoms of an opioid overdose, buying time for an emergency medical team to arrive (2). Carrying a naloxone kit and knowing the signs of an overdose can save a person’s life.
Percocet Use Disorder and Mental Health
Addiction disorders and mental health disorders often go hand in hand. People struggling with opioid use disorder may also have mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and sleep disorders (5). Following detox with comprehensive inpatient treatment for Percocet use can help you manage concurrent disorders and address the root causes of your addiction. We also focus on an individual’s mental health to develop a more effective, personalized treatment plan for the patient.
How You Can Help Someone Withdraw or Detox from Percocet
Trying to quit an addictive substance like Percocet can be an isolating and difficult experience. Emotional and mental health support can mean a world of difference to someone battling Percocet use disorder. Encourage your loved ones struggling with Percocet addiction to seek professional medical guidance and support.
How Can I Withdraw from Percocet?
Ready to quit Percocet and get sober? Start by enrolling in Neworld’s medically supervised detox program in Halton Hills. This gives you the best possible start to controlling your addiction and living a happy, healthy life. If you are ready to withdraw from Percocet:
1. Seek professional medical guidance before stopping your Percocet use. Neworld can help you with this.
2. Be honest with your friends and family about wanting to get sober and the difficulties that come with managing addiction.
3. Surround yourself with a network of people who are happy to support you when things get tough.
4. Pay close attention to any physical, emotional, and mental withdrawal symptoms you are experiencing.
5. Begin addiction treatment following successful detox. We can facilitate a seamless transition to Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centre for a comprehensive, long-term treatment program.
Is Detoxing from Percocet Safe?
Detoxing from Percocet is safe when performed under medical supervision and paired with addiction treatment in the form of therapy and counselling. Given the high risk of overdose for opioid drugs following relapse, we recommend that you enrol in full-time addiction treatment following your detox. We are happy to facilitate transferring to our best-in-class treatment centre, Trafalgar — just 15 minutes down the road from Neworld.
How Can I Get Help for My Percocet Addiction?
Getting the help you need to manage Percocet addiction begins with medically-supervised detoxification services at Neworld. Our professional detox centre near Toronto, Ontario offers individualized care and treatment plans that are customized to each patient’s needs. Our priority is helping you come down safely from Percocet and setting you on the path to long-term recovery. After a successful detox, we recommend enrolling in an addiction treatment program that lasts at least 30 days at our qualified and reputable inpatient centre, Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centre.
We share an interconnected, multidisciplinary team with Trafalgar, ensuring seamless continuity of care for our patients. Medical detox is the first step to achieving sobriety, and addiction treatment with therapy and counselling is the road to get there. Let us help you get your life back. Contact us today to discuss medically supervised Percocet detox.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Percocet?
Percocet is a prescription pain medication that combines acetaminophen, a pain reliever, and oxycodone, an opioid (4). Percocet is a powerful painkiller and can illicit feelings of euphoria. It can be addictive and dangerous in cases of overdose.
Should I Detox from Percocet at Home?
It is not recommended to try detoxing from opioids like Percocet without medical supervision. Detox without medical supervision can lead to relapse. Opioids carry a high risk of overdose. Relapsing at the same dose or higher after coming off the drug can be very dangerous and can even lead to death if your tolerance is lowered (3).
Do I need rehab for my Percocet addiction?
Medically supervised detox, when paired with addiction treatment, provides you with the best possible chances for managing your addiction long term and staying sober.
Is using Percocet recreationally dangerous?
Yes. Taking Percocet even just a few times can lead to addiction (1).
Can I overdose on Percocet?
Yes. You can overdose on Percocet your first time or hundredth time taking the drug. It is especially dangerous in combination with alcohol, other opioids, and benzodiazepines (1). Overdoses can be fatal.
Information on this page is for informational purposes only, and does not replace personalized medical advice. You should never make any decisions about your health without consulting a healthcare professional, especially when related to substance use or mental health. To speak to a qualified member of our team for personalized advice, you can contact us here.
1. Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction – Prescription Opioids
3. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health – Straight Talk, Oxycodone
4. Percocet Prescribing Information
5. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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