Magic mushrooms (psilocybin)
Psilocybin is a hallucinogen and the principal psychoactive, or “mind-altering,” component of a certain species of mushrooms known as “magic mushrooms.” “Magic mushrooms” may be sold on the street as dried whole mushrooms, or as a brown powdered material. Psilocybin can also be made in illegal labs and sold on the street as a white powder, in tablets, or in capsules.
Magic mushrooms are often eaten raw or cooked. They may be steeped in hot water to make a mushroom “tea” or mixed with fruit juice to make a drink sometimes called “fungus delight.” Less often, the powdered mushrooms or psilocybin may be snorted or injected.
Also known as: magic, magic mushrooms, mushrooms, shrooms, mushies, fungus, and fungus delight
use of psilocybin can produce many other effects including:
- light-headedness
- dilated pupils (causes blurred vision)
- nausea and vomiting
- dry mouth
- numbness, particularly facial numbness (paresthesia)
- exaggerated reflexes
- sweating and increased body temperature followed by chills and shivering
- muscle weakness and twitching
- increased blood pressure and heart rate